- Due to the unfolding situation of COVID-19, all community events and gatherings, including Jumaa and Islamic Sunday School, will be suspended until indicated otherwise.
- Please refrain from hugging and handshakes and follow the precautions provided by health authorities. For additional information on symptoms, prevention and treatment, please refer to CDC.GOV/COVID19.
- Fajr and isha are at 7:05 am and 9:15 pm but they are currently SUSPENDED. Anyone with fever, cough or shortness of breath should NOT come to masjid. People over the age of 60 and those with chronic health conditions are also advised to stay away from masjid for their safety. This too may change.
- We will attempt to live stream jumaa until we resume regular activity. This will be at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
lubbockmuslims/. For this week jumaa, please click here: https://www.facebook.com/ mohamad.alrahawan/videos/ 1131639560519767/. - We will keep you updated through our email list. Please sign up if you have not done so yet.
~To God we belong and to God we shall return~
- It is with great sadness that Dr. Zuheir Shihab announces the passing of his son, Kareem who passed away today around noon in Oakland, California.
- He passed away peacefully After a long battle with illness.
- Funeral and Janaza Prayer will be held in Oakland.
- Dr. Shihab and his family are kindly requesting that you allow them time to mourn privately. Please refrain from calling him for the time being. Keep Kareem and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي
تسليما بقضاء الله وقدره ننعي إليكم فقيدنا الغالي المرحوم كريم زهير شهاب
والده الدكتور زهير شهاب الذي توفاه الله في أوكلاند كالفورنيا وسيوارى الثرى هناك
الدكتور زهير يتمنى على الأصدقاء عدم الاتصال به حاليا لإعطائه فترة للحزن و الدعاء بالرحمة لفقيده الغالي