Alhamdulilah, COVID situation is easing up and vaccine is becoming available. This is not to say to is under control. Accordingly, we will resume Jumaa this week Insha’Allah. Please remember that strict compliance with social distancing guidelines is expected (see attached pamphlet). In addition, people over 65 should not attend Jumaa until they have received COVID vaccine. For those who cannot attend, Jumaa will be posted live on our Facebook page at 2:10 pm Insha’Allah. All other activities at small and big masjid stay at former level.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
The mother of Dr. Yasin Ibrahim (a psychiatrist at Tech) passed away in Egypt on 1/12. May Allah shower her with mercy, forgive her, and grant her Jannah. Please keep her in your Duaa. We ask Allah to give support and patience to Dr. Yasin and his family.
Dr. Mohammed Maqusi who passed away last Summer was a prominent professor at Tech. Texas Tech University wanted to honor his legacy through establishing the Mohammad Maqusi Memorial Scholarship. Please make duaa for him and consider supporting the scholarship that bears his name. The name of a Muslim scholar at Texas Tech University. Your donation is tax deductible. No amount is too small.
Alhmdulilah, our own brother Takieddine Hedeilli, an Algerian student at Tech broke Texas Tech record and Algerian record in running. He qualified to the Olympics and Is number one in the world for this year. Please make duaa for his continued success and congratulate him when you see him.
In the wake of the political tension around presidential election results. Houses of worship may be targeted by violence or vandalism by white supremacists. We are unaware of specific threats in West Texas. Nevertheless, please stay safe vigilant.
Jazakum Allahu Khayran