With the grace of Allah, we are approaching the month of Ramadan. At ICSP, we follow ISNA. Accordingly, Ramadan will start on Tuesday 4/13 and end Eid will be on Thursday 5/13 Insha’Allah. First taraweeh will be on Monday 4/12. More details about prayer time and logistics will come soon Insha’Allah.
Insha’Allah, we will resume sponsored student masjid iftar this year. There will not be a gathering like before. Rather, boxed iftar will be available for pickup at student masjid shortly before Maghrib. A sponsorship signup sheet will be posted at main masjid. The sheet will have catering options that you can hire. You should plan to feed 65 students. Sponsors are responsible to arrange and pay for catering. ICSP has no role beyond posting the signup sheet. Jazakum Allahu Khayran
As was mentioned this past Jummah, we will are doing clothing drive for the refugees over the weekend for the next few weeks. We will be collecting new or gently used clothing, shoes, blankets, coats, etc. We ask that the items are clean with no stains, holes, or tears. Also, please no underwear. Shoes should be tied with a rubber band if possible. Please leave the items within or in front of the community hall, not the masjid. We will have volunteers take them inside and will designate one day for final sorting and packing. JazakumAllahu khairan. May Allah accept our good deeds and continue to bless us with the ability to help others.
Insha’Allah next Friday and Saturday, ICSP will host a two day event featuring the nationally renowned Islamic finance expert, brother Joe Bradford. He will speak about wasiah and halal investment options. This is a valuable opportunity for our community and for the future of our children. Please make arrangements to attend. See attached pamphlet for more information.
Starting next Friday Insha’Allah, 2 individuals of the same household may stand next to each other for prayer at the masjid. They should line up on either side of the floor marking. The persons next to them will stand on the following mark.