Insha’Allah, Fajr time changes tomorrow Saturday. See attachment.
Starting next Friday, Jumaa will resume at small (student) masjid. It will be at 3:10. Social distancing guidelines, including mask and bringing prayer rug, applied at main masjid should be followed. We still encourage people to come to main masjid given the limited capacity of small masjid. Maximal capacity is approximately 35. Roommates may stand next to each other. See attachment.
Alhmaduliah, we concluded our clothing drive. Tomorrow, MSA will host a volunteer event to package the donated items. Please join them at community hall between 4-8 pm. Iftar will be provided for the volunteers. See attachment.
Virtual Quraan Recitation halakah will take place on Zoom every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Please join “Imam Corner” WhatsApp group for more details.
Virtual Quraan Studies halakah will take place at 7 pm on Zoom every Sunday and Thursday. Please join “Imam Corner” WhatsApp group for more details.
Student Iftar sponsors should plan to provide 100 boxes. Jazakum Allahu Khayran.