Insha’Allah, payer times will change according to the attached schedule.
Volunteerism is encouraged by Islam. Every Muslim should consider volunteering at organizations that serve for good cause even if not lead by Muslims. We should also encourage our teenage children to engage in such activities. Our own Dr. Zuhair Shihab was recognized on May 21st for fifteen years of service at the Meals on Wheels organization. This is a great organization that serves hot meals to needy individuals in the area. If anyone is interested in more information about this organization, please contact Dr. Zuhair.
Alhamdulliah the center for disease control has recently announced that individuals vaccinated against covid-19 are no longer required to wear masks in public, even when social distancing is not an option. Local institutions including Texas Tech University, proceeded to adopt that measure. Accordingly, our Islamic center will no longer require attendees to wear a face mask during prayer. Wearing a face mask, social distancing, and using personal prayer rugs are now optional. See attachment below.