The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” [Bukhari]. Please maximize your efforts on the day of Arafah, which will fall on Monday July 19th. For more details about the virtues of these 10 days please click here (
Inshaa Allah, Eid will be Tuesday, July 20th. Men will pray at community hall and women at main masjid. Takbeer will start at 7:30 and eid prayer will be at 8 am. There will NOT be a registration process for eid prayer this time. Like before, we ask anyone who is sick or has been exposed to COVID to refrain from attending prayers at the masjid. Unvaccinated individuals and those who are over 65 years old should maintain social distancing. All others should fill first lines first. Masks are optional but please bring your prayer rug with you.
Small masjid is open for regular prayers; however; there will not be Jumaa at small masjid next week. We are deliberating when to resume. Insha’Allah this will be soon after eid.
Today was the last day of the first session of summer camp. More than30 kids registered and had a great time in an Islamic environment. Big thanks to all who made it possible. May Allah reward you. Next session will be from Monday 7/26 to Friday 8/6. It will be from 9am-1pm, Monday-Friday. A $50 registration fee per child will cover both weeks of the second session. Please click on this link to register your kids at your earliest convenience ( On the first day of camp, please plan to bring a check payable to the Islamic Center of South Plains, for the registration fee. See poster for more information.
Iquama time calendar at big masjid is attached.