إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. Our brother and fellow community member, Masoud Akram, has passed away on Wednesday. He was known to our entire community as a great man, with high morals and character, and was respected by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. We will be offering our Janaza prayer for him at the Masjid on Wedensday (August 18, at 2:00 pm) and will proceed with his burial at the Peaceful Gardens cemetery. We ask Allah to bless brother Masoud with His mercy, admit him into Jannah, and to grant his family patience and perseverance during this difficult time.
The number of COVID-19 cases and hospital admission continues to increase across the nation, including West Texas. Most admissions are among unvaccinated patients. Please seek vaccination if you have not done so already. Please refrain from attending prayer at the masjid if you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to affected patients. While at the masjid, use your mask until indicated otherwise and be hyper vigilant about hand hygiene. We will not change our current distancing guidelines for the time being.
Insha’Allah Jumaa will resume at small masjid at 3:15 starting next Friday, August 20th. All other activities will continue at previous levels. All above described COVID precautions apply here too.
Many businesses and houses of worship have plans in case an active shooter situation on site. The risk of such a situation at our own masjid is real. Accordingly, we have arranged for trained professionals to conduct an onsite seminar for interested individuals in the community. This will take place at the community hall at 7 pm on August 27. There is no need to register and we encourage all to attend. May Allah reward brother Zafar and other community members who helped coordinate this. See attached poster.
Insha’Allah, we plan to host a community table tennis tournament at our community hall during the weekend from Friday August 27 to Sunday August 29. There will be age and gender brackets. More details will emerge after registration is completed. Interested individuals will have to register at the following link (https://forms.gle/WCsydu2hwCCs3ScQ8). The registration will close on August 24th. If you are interested to volunteer as a coordinator, please send an email to [email protected].
Insha’Allah, weekly tafseer halaka will take place after Fajr every Saturday. This will be lead by Shaikh Samer at out main masjid.
Iqama time at main masjid are changing according to the attached calendar