Insha’Allah we will resume our Islamic Sunday School on 9/12 from 11 am to 2 pm. We have made many changes to improve our school and enhance the learning experience for our children. Those include a dedicated principle, trained teachers and increase number of volunteers. We hope to engage any child between the ages of 5-13 years old. We will have a mandatory parent orientation at 7 pm on 9/10/2021. The fee for the first child is $250, second child $200 and third child is $150. Fees are due in form of a check on the first day of school. Please make your check payable to the Islamic Center of South Plains. Parents who are students at Texas Tech will be granted 50% discount and families who cannot afford the fee will be granted a waiver. Please discuss the discount and waiver with the principle during orientation or on the first day of school. To register your children, please click on this link at your earliest convenience.
Please see attached prayer schedule for the month of September.