Our community is composed of few hundreds of Muslim professionals and students from the US and other countries around the world. Our community is nice, harmonious and active community you would like to live with and raise your children within.
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Ramadan Taraweeh

Occurs at main and student Masjid immediately after Isha prayer, every night of Ramadan.

Ramadan Community Iftar

Potluck event occurs at main Masjid in Ramadan immediately after Maghreb prayer. Look for updates in Friday announcements section.

Ramadan Community Ihyaa

Occurs at main Masjid from Ishaa to Fajr on the night of 27th of Ramadan.

Ramadan Interfaith Outreach Iftar

Occurs at the community hall. This event needs prior registration. If interested, please contact us for tickets. Directions

Eid Alfitr and Eid Aladha Prayer

Community Eid prayer occurs on the first day of both Eid in the community hall for brothers and the main Masjid for sisters. Both are located in close proximity. Please consider utilizing the empty lot across the street to park in an organized manner. More details will be shared on our website closer to Eid. Directions

Eid Community Party

Community Eid party occurs during the first weekend following both Eid. It takes place in the community hall. Please consider utilizing the empty lot across the street to park in an organized manner. More details will be shared on our website closer to Eid. Directions

Eid Community Fun Event

Each Eid, our community organizes one or more fun events for the community. This is in addition to the Eid party. More details will be shared on our website closer to Eid.