1- Insha’Allah Shaikh Samer will continue hosting interactive Quran Studies class every Thursday at 8:30 through Zoom. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79694659767?pwd=TFpLdk1HdW50NnA2bmtqSDVSTERmUT09. Please join if you can.
2- Insha’Allah, we will continue to follow the current masking and social distancing procedures despite the decision by governor Abbott to ease restrictions.
3- Our own MSA will clean the masjid on 3/6 at 1 pm. Please join them to help prepare our masjid for Ramadan.
4- Jumaa is broadcasted live on our Facebook page. Please find former recorded Jumaa khutba at https://www.facebook.com/lubbockmuslims.
5- Every Sunday and Tuesday, there will be a small khatirah after Isha prayer at main masjid.
6- Sisters will continue to pray Jumaa at women section at the masjid and brothers who arrive late and do not have space to join at community hall will pray in the men section of main masjid.
7- Shaikh Samer will continue to offer in person Quran Tafseer every Saturday after Fajr at main masjid.